Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Snakes Confessions and Cockroaches

I will start with snakes. I have been on the lookout for snakes the whole time I have been in Africa and even the last time I was here I wanted to see one. I finally got my chance. This black mamba showed its ugly self right here in our own compound just a few nights ago. In the picture to your left you can see my hand and one very dead black mamba. Our dog Nora found the snake and our very Masai (a hardcore, samurai-like African tribe) gaurd did the killing. I had the priveledge of being flashlight boy. It was better than nothing. Our gaurd stunned the snake with a long stick by smacking it ka-ra-te style. Then he took a pipe and smashed its head on the concrete stair as you see here. I then got close to watch it die. This was just a young mamba, but still able to kill 20 grown men with one venemous bite. Luckily nobody was walking down the stairs as it sat there alive. Praise God for keeping the family of six safe that was having dinner upstairs. And props to our dog Nora. Even if she is the most disobedient brat of a dog, we will keep her.

For the confessions, I can praise God so much!! One of the boys that plays soccer with me was being honest with me the other day and really opened up to me. He has been reading the Bible since I have been here and God is at work in his heart. He confessed a lot of his sin to me and expressed a desire to change. He is a security gaurd at night and has lots of time to read the Bible. The verse that says, "The Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart", (Heb 4:12) is so true. This boy has been searching the scriptures and he realizes now that he is a sinner. He said to me just the other day, "Steve, I need to be honest with you, as I have been reading the Bible I have realized that I am a sinner." I told him that I could relate to him more than he knows and that we can praise God together because of Jesus who paid for all that sin. I can't wait to see God continue to work on this kid. I really like him. He is the best friend I have here. I am so thankful for what is happening with him. My pastor always says, "Our job is to just bring people to Jesus and then Jesus will do all the work." Please pray for him, his name is Tony.


Cockroaches were everywhere as I pulled off a rotten piece of wood in the kitchen of our new place. Since Doom (Kenya bug spray) was nowhere to be found I went on a small rampage. Feet, hands, and all were smashing roaches left and right. It was pretty fun for me. I am a bit sadistic at times. We are renting out a new compound where we can allow people to come in and out freely- street boys included. There are many restrictions where we are now and it is limiting our effectiveness with the street boys. We got this place that has no water and no sewer, but it is being worked on even now. It has a big yard for soccer and a garden already in place. It is Arabic style architecture, which I like a lot. There is a sweet little outdoor courtyard and a spacious interior. OH!!, and there are plenty of COCKROACHES!!! We will make sure they are all dead before we move in.

I hope all of you are well. Thank you for reading my blog.