Tuesday, August 7, 2007


I came to the number of 33 after counting places where my skin had broken over the past week. The football fields are not friendly to such soft skin like mine. I am learning this the hard way (no pun intended). Cleats that are too small claim 7 blisters on my heals and toes. Doing a front flip to avoid crashing into audience members can account for about 15 cuts on my hands and legs. A full speed collision yesterday with a goalkeeper adds about seven road rash markings on my hands, knees, elbows, and left cheek. The others are miscellaneous falls here and there. I am having a great time playing soccer with these boys despite any loss of blood.

We had a field clean-up day today. It was fabulous. Instead of rocky hard dirt we now have just hard dirt with a few rocks. I wanted the players to feel like they were earning their uniforms and also find a way to serve and bless the community. I want to clean up Bamako field as well. It is REALLY rocky on one end and is almost impossible to play on. If they can do that then I will definately get them some cleats. I have the money now for them, but I really want them to earn them so that they don't continue to develop this "Hey rich white-man give me money for no reason" attitude.

We tried to pick up our uniforms, but they were not the right ones. We will wait for Saturday to pick them up. Hopefully the lady will get the right ones this time. I am missing home a bit and I feel a little ready to get back, but I have a month to go here and I am going to do my best to see that these young men have a good team and some instruction in the Lord before I go. The good news is that I am befriending them so well. At lunch today we were having a great time joking around and laughing. I was so blessed to just sit there with my ten cent tea and my ten cent beans just getting to know these guys a little. They have been through so much that with all their perseverance many of them have great personalities. I love them so much. My prayer is that there would be somebody to direct them both in soccer and spiritually when I leave. I don't really want to leave them hanging, but God must provide the right person to come in after me. I pray God would do just that.

Forgive me if my last post was a bit strong. I only spoke the truth boldly because I felt that is was necessary and loving to do so. I hope you are all having a wonderful day. I pray God would bless you in a special way today. When He does let me know.

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